
R. Lee Ermey Videos

Now I have found the Gunny to be like a lot of Senior Non Commissioned Officers that I served with in the Army. All of them are the real crown jewels of the  military.
As they are the folks who get things done. God Bless them all!
So here is some of his best on YOUTube.

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Preview YouTube video The History of Colt Handguns with R. Lee Ermey

Preview YouTube video MG42 vs M60 With R. Lee Ermey

Preview YouTube video Bren Mk1 vs Browning Automatic Rifle With R. Lee Ermey

Preview YouTube video Lee Enfield Rifle vs M1903 Springfield Rifle and M1 Garand – With R. Lee Ermey

Preview YouTube video MP40 vs Thompson submachine gun (Tommygun) with R. Lee Ermey

Preview YouTube video GunnyTime w Sawman & the Stoner 63 Machinegun

Preview YouTube video Lock n’ Load with R. Lee Ermey – 01 Artillery

Preview YouTube video Army Sniper Legend, Ed Eaton, R Lee Ermey & Sawman on GunnyTime!

Preview YouTube video Shooting M32 Grenade Launchers | Kirsten Joy Weiss & The Gunny (R Lee Ermey)

Preview YouTube video Longbow vs Crossbow with R. Lee Ermey