All About Guns Other Stuff

Some stuff I found on Theodore Roosevelt & Guns

I have always found “The Good Roosevelt” to be a refreshing kind of guy. So I thought I would share some of the things that I found on the net I hope that you like this!
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As you an see the Old Boy really got around.
Since he is the only American so far to have been awarded the Presidency of the United States, The Nobel Peace Prize and the Medal of Honor.
Image result for theodore roosevelt nobel peace prize
Image result for theodore roosevelt nobel peace prize
Image result for theodore roosevelt medal of honor
(His Son -Theodore Jr got his for his actions as a Brigadier General on D Day at Normandy. Generals do not usually get that medal at that rank by the way.)
Image result for theodore roosevelt jr medal of honor
Image result for theodore roosevelt jr medal of honor
Roosevelt’s 1903 Springfield Rifle – The later it belonged to Kermit Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt’s sonInline image 10
Image result for teddy roosevelt 1903 rifle
I just wish we had more like him around!
I will post some more stuff about him later on.
Thanks for your time on this!