Federal election season is underway in Canada and Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau wants to make sure citizens know where he and his Lefty cohorts stand on guns.
“One Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many,” said Trudeau in a recent press release obtained by GunsAmerica.
“That’s why we made our communities safer by banning more than 1,500 types of military-style assault weapons, and we’re going to continue to strengthen our gun laws across the country. Keeping our kids and communities safe from gun violence should be an issue that we all agree on – but Erin O’Toole doesn’t,” the prime minister continued. “He wants to repeal our ban on these dangerous weapons and weaken our gun laws. Canadians can’t let that happen.”
O’Toole leads the Conservative party. While Trudeau accused O’Toole of wanting to repeal the 2020 confiscatory ban on many commonly owned firearms (see graph below), O’Toole said Sunday that he has no plans on changing the law.
SEE ALSO: Biden Should Look to Canada to See the Mess of Confiscating Guns
“It’s critically important for me to say to Canadians today that we are going to maintain the ban on assault weapons, we’re going to maintain the restrictions that were put in place in 2020,” O’Toole said.
In other words, whether one votes Conservative or Liberal — Canadians are not going to be allowed to buy, sell or possess modern sporting rifles.
Trudeau also vowed to continue to put the screws to the country’s law-abiding gun owners via the following:
- Toughening our laws on banned assault weapons by making it mandatory for owners to either sell the firearm back to the government or have it rendered permanently inoperable;
- Cracking down on high-capacity magazines to limit the number of rounds guns can hold, and ban the sale or transfer of magazines that hold more than the legal number of bullets; and
- Helping provinces and territories who implement a ban on handguns across their jurisdiction.
“These guns have no place in our communities and have no place anywhere in Canada,” Trudeau said at a press conference, in reference to the ban.
“You can’t buy these guns, you can’t sell these guns, you can’t use these guns. And even if you own one today, no one gets a pass,” Trudeau added.
What Trudeau is saying is a vote for the Liberal Party is a vote for confiscation. Polls open on Sept. 20, 2021.