This great Nation & Its People

35 Reasons Why You Should Feel Proud to Be an American

  1. The U.S. government gives more foreign aid than all other countries in the world combined.
  2. U.S. corporations and citizens make more charitable donations than the rest of the world combined. Donations are the highest both in aggregate and per-capita.
  3. Americans corrected it’s biggest historical sin, slavery, by fighting a war that cost a half million soldiers their lives. It has continually tried to make up for that mistake since then with affirmative action, civil rights laws, race-based college grants, and more.
  4. The U.S. saved the world from Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and many other totalitarian regimes.
  5. America spent billions as part of the Marshall Plan, which transformed a continent ravaged from World War II into thriving, stable European nations.
  6. A person living in poverty in America has a standard of living that would be considered wealthy in most countries of the world. Most Americans living below the poverty level are well-fed and have cars, TVs, clothing, a roof over their heads, healthcare, and many other items that would be considered luxuries in 3rd World countries.
  7. No country in the world has as much race and cultural diversity.  Nowhere else do you find whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, native Americans, etc. living together in such percentages. We truly are the “melting pot” of the world.
  8. No country in the world is as tolerant of religious and non-religious beliefs. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindi, Dowists, atheists, agnostics, Satanists, and so on all live together in harmony. No one is prosecuted for their religious or non-religious beliefs.
  9. No nation takes in more immigrants, both legal and illegal.
  10. America spends more on education that any country on Earth, which is supplemented by an endless supply of free or low-cost educational opportunities such as Youtube, Khan Academy, and public libraries. And thanks to the internet, much of this education is available to the world.
  11. The American government takes care of it’s poorest citizens with an endless array of benefits–welfare, food stamps, Medicaid & Medicare, job training, college grants, tax credits, and so on.
  12. Along with the British, the United States put together a system of government that has become the standard in free democracies around the world.
  13. America laws and its litigation system prevent discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation.
  14. The U.S. has by far the largest annual trade deficit, meaning we export more wealth than any other country.
  15. America has true freedom of speech and press, which means we can expose wrongs, debate courses of actions, and allow the best ideas to win out over the worst ones over time.
  16. We have the strongest military by far, yet rather than use that power to take over countries, we use it to preserve world peace and stability.
  17. America has an unmatched set of entertainment options–movies, Netflix, video games, TV, sports, plays, beaches, fitness clubs, music streaming, social media, art galleries, festivals, concerts, and on and on.
  18. Americans have greater access to the Internet & cell phones than any country in the world.
  19. The U.S. has a free market system that has led to the world’s highest per-capita income and standard of living. Anyone can start a business and go from rags-to-riches.
  20. The U.S. has the strongest, most reliable system of public utilities–electricity, water, sewer, etc.
  21. Most world-changing technologies–such as the Internet, personal computer, automobile, smart phones, and Google search engine–were developed in America.
  22. The U.S. has among the best systems of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.
  23. Although still too expensive, healthy care accessibility to top physicians, medications, surgeries, technology, and other modern medicine is second to none.
  24. Most of the greatest medical discoveries and life-changing pharmaceuticals have come from American companies.
  25. The U.S. has a very stable system of police & courts to protect us while preserving our liberties.
  26. American’s space exploration and contribution to the knowledge of the universe is second to none.
  27. Our checks’n’balances system of government prevents tyranny and ensures smooth transitions of power.
  28. American farmers produce more food than any country on Earth.
  29. No country has as safe and plentiful of quality drinking water.
  30. Some of the richest Americans, such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, have built charities to solve the world’s greatest problems.
  31. The. U.S. is now the world’s largest energy producer.
  32. The American dollar is the most stable currency, which is critical to the world economy.
  33. Through Manifest Destiny, America has spread freedom around the world throughout the past few centuries.  Every country in the world that has followed the American/British system of government and free market capitalism enjoys prosperity, while third-world countries have been born from socialism, communism, and dictatorships.
  34. No matter what sin or mistake America has made in the past, we have a system in place to correct those wrongs and constantly improve. American citizens do our best to help the world, despite the fact the actions of our leaders don’t always reflect that.
  35. No matter what the circumstances in life, a person in America has more opportunities than any other to become wealthy, change the world, and achieve greatness.

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