All About Guns Born again Cynic!

Wheelgun Wednesday: The Problem With Two-Piece Barrels And A Solution (Maybe don’t make them? Grumpy)

Revolver Two-Piece Barrels Problem

S&W TRR8 two-piece barrel system is held in place by a special slotted nut. Image by TFB’s Rusty S from his TRR8 Review.

Welcome to another edition of TFB’s Wheelgun Wednesday, where we discuss all topics revolving around revolvers. Today’s topic comes from gunsmith Dave Lauck, of D&L Sports, in which he addresses one of the main detractors of the design of two-piece barrels for modern revolvers, which is that they can loosen under recoil over time.

The most prominent examples of two-piece barrels comes from the popular Smith & Wesson scandium framed Model 300 series, such as the 325, 327 (aka TRR8 and R8), and 329. While there’s no certainty that each revolver with a two-piece barrel will loosen, people have reported this problem, which can lead to less than optimal conditions for accuracy and safety, so let’s take a look at Mr. Lauck’s solution to loose two-piece barrels. 


Loose two-piece barrels on Revolvers

Another example of a two-piece revolver barrel, the Taurus Raging Hunter. Image from TFB’s Adam S’s review.

For those that are new to the concept of two-piece barrels, the steel, rifled barrel that interacts with the bullet is covered by a barrel shroud that incorporates the sights and rail systems for optics and weapon lights, if so endowed. The main advantage of this two-piece barrel system is weight savings, which is why Smith & Wesson utilize it on their lightweight scandium frames, thus a minimal amount of heavier steel is used for the overall design while keeping the aesthetics and features appealing.

As a side note, I’ve always loved the look of S&W’s 300 series revolvers. The second advantage of two-piece barrels is that the rifled barrel could be replaced if the owner shot it so much that the rifling begins to disappear, however, I’m guessing that aspect is rarely required with the exception of a few competition shooters.

Dave Lauck provided TFB his description of the two-piece barrel problem, and his resultant solution:

Multi piece revolver barrels can provide a weight savings by using various materials. Many shooters want to reduce weight on a carry gun. However, experience has shown that these barrel assemblies frequently come loose. Another problem is that it takes specialized tooling to correct the problem.


At DLS inc the goal is to solve problems with design improvements so they don’t occur in the field. The loose barrel problem can be solved with proper fitting and installing a barrel lock. While this custom work is being done, the barrel can also be given a precision, recessed and protected target crown, instead of the difficult to clean step crown. In addition, while the barrel is out of the frame the forcing cone can be properly cut and polished for best performance.

Loose Revolver Two-Piece Barrels

An image of the separated two-piece barrel system from the S&W 325. Image credit:

As you can see in the photo below, Mr. Lauck’s barrel lock is installed just aft of the barrel shroud on the top of the frame. The barrel lock is essentially a set screw that keeps the barrel from turning under recoil. The photo that follows is of TFB’s Rusty S’s S&W TRR8 in its factory condition without a barrel lock.

Loose Revolver two-piece barrels

Image Credit:

Loose Revolver Two-Piece Barrels

Rusty’s S&W TRR8 without a barrel lock. Image credit: Rusty S.

Mr. Lauck also addressed another potential design issue with a feature also seen on the above-listed revolvers, as well as on some Ruger GP100 and Redhawk series of revolvers, the spring-loaded front sights. He describes the issue and his solution below:

Another problem that arises too often with spring loaded interchangeable front sights is they get caught on the top lip of the holster while re-holstering. When the revolver is pushed into the holster the front sight becomes unlatched from the retaining pin.


Then when the revolver is drawn again, the front sight falls out of the gun during the draw stroke, and is often lost under field conditions.


This is another concerning problem that should be prevented before it occurs. Once the correct front sight is selected to achieve proper zero on target, then the front sight should receive an additional cross pin to rigidly secure it in place, even during rough use. The sharp, fragile and shallow notch rear sight can be replaced with a DLS inc heavy duty rear sight to solve those problems.

Thanks to Dave Lauck for providing his insight into these issues. If you’d like to see more of his custom work and services, visit Have you or any of your friends encountered a loose two-piece barrel on a revolver? What did you do about it? What about losing a front sight, spring-loaded or otherwise?
Doug E

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he’s taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

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